We know we need to continue our education to continue on our paths toward success. Every year we hear “invest at least 10% of your salary back in to your career.” Success strategists agree continuing your education is a must. Now a days there are many different types of training options all around us. You have seminars online and live, you have traditional training classes or online live training classes, self-paced training classes, correspondence classes and more. Each has its list of pros and cons. This post will focus on the pros and cons of traditional classroom training.
The Pros
- Gives you a dedicated time and place to be so you have no excuses to not show up and learn
- Gets the information transferred within a set time period
- Has the highest success and completion rates of all types of training
- Interaction with trainers and like-minded students
The Cons
- Generally, more expensive then self-paced online learning options
- Requires homework and studying be completed on a rigged schedule
- If you miss class, makeup is more difficult unless the class has a taped class or make-up schedule available
- Moves at the pace of the average class member
Personally, I prefer traditional classroom training. It ensures I get the education within a dedicated time frame. Be realistic when selecting training options that fit your needs and lifestyle.